3 Reasons You’re Not Cut out to Be a Trucker |
As we approach National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we want to take a look at what makes truckers such a unique group.
First of all, they are the backbone of our country. Without a strong freight system, we’d have nothing! But that’s only one factor.
In order to be a trucker, you need to have strength, an adventurous spirit, and be able to handle long stretches of isolation.
Most importantly – not everybody is cut out to be a truck driver. Without the following characteristics, you wouldn’t last long as a trucker.
You’re Not Strong Enough
We don’t mean physically strong, although we are big proponents of trucker fitness.
Let’s face it, trucking is a hard gig. A lot of the difficulty has to do with the fact that you spend most of your day alone, in a confined space, while driving nonstop. Some truckers have a reputation for being rough around the edges, sarcastic, or just plain rude.
But that’s not true – well, not fully. Truckers have to deal with a lot. If you were a trucker, you would feel underappreciated over time, especially when you deal with dispatchers, shippers, receivers who don’t care about you. And if you keep odd hours, it’ll only compound these issues.
What we’re saying is, truckers handle a lot of stress – don’t take this lightly! If you think you have the right kind of mental and emotional strength to handle what they handle, proceed.
You’re Not Adventurous Enough
When you’re a trucker, your job changes daily. Maybe not the overall job description, but the conditions, the locations, the people, and the mileage vary from gig to gig.
This can bother some people, especially if you want a nice, safe job – something never changing.
But you’d be missing out! When you’re a trucker, you’ll see more of the country than anybody else. You’re gonna see everything from the bays of New England to the mountains of Colorado.
Truckers have to put up with a lot, but the trade off is experiencing something very few others get to. They get to see every mile of this country on the open road.
You’re Not Solitary Enough
Unless you’re co-driving, you’re gonna be all alone while you’re on the road.
Which means, you’re going to have to deal with a lot of stuff on your own. No friends to share a beer with, and no family to boost your spirits. Of course, with the availability of mobile phones, you can still stay connected – but it’s not always the same.
If you prefer riding alone, there are plenty of options to keep yourself entertained. You can listen to the chatter of the CB radio, find a favorite station on satellite radio, or download some fun and entertaining podcasts.
Let’s face it, you wouldn’t want to waste time at a cubicle with your boss peeking over your shoulder all the time. A lot of truck drivers are drawn to the freedom to be themselves wherever they want, whenever they want.
Truckers are a rare breed – and most American workers wouldn’t be able to handle the stress these drivers go through. So we want to thank every trucker out there for keeping our entire economy afloat!
On top of all this, truckers still have to handle a whole lot of tax forms, ranging from fuel taxes to heavy vehicle taxes.