It happens. We all put on a little extra weight now and again–especially around the holiday season! Fortunately, this weight gain comes with minimal consequences (like having to break out those elastic-waist sweatpants)!

the next weight category.
Step 1: Get started!
-Returning users login or new users create an account.
-Click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
-Choose the kind of amendment. Click start under “Taxable Gross Weight Increase.”
Step 2: Input Vehicle Info
-Select vehicle first-used month.
-Select the amended month, the month in which the weight change occurred.
-If you E-filed your 2290 with us this year, select the vehicles to be amended from that return and choose the new weight class.
-If the return was not filed with us, enter the vehicle’s VIN and the new weight class.
-If you are changing the weight of more than 1 vehicle, click “Save & Add Another;” otherwise, click “Save” to complete.
-Rejoice as the tax is prorated for you! I told you that you wouldn’t need a calculator!
Step 3: Transmit the Return
-Choose from three methods of payment to pay your increased tax to the IRS. As always, we offer Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS, and check or money order.
-Time for the Instant Audit! Our system scans your return for errors, just one more step to ensure that you get the green light!
-And you’re done! Securely transmit your amendment to the IRS and receive your new stamped Schedule 1 within minutes!
And that’s all, folks. Three easy steps with just a few clicks here & a dash of typing there. All in all, you’ll be done in 10 minutes or less thanks to our stream-lined process.
We also offer speedy E-filing of 2290 Amendments for VIN corrections (for FREE!) & for increases in mileage. If you’re not sure which amendment to file, don’t be shy! Ask our Support Heroes! They’re available via 24/7 email support at They’re also on live chat, or just a phone call away at 704.234.6005.