Out With The OLD And In With The ELD

Since 2017, the ELD mandate has been in effect. In December 2017 fleet owner’s with Automatic On-Board Recording Devices (AOBRDs) ... Read More

What You Need To Know About The UCR Delay

Registration for the 2019 UCR is currently at a standstill until further notice per the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s ... Read More

Tire Safety: Getting Ready for Roadcheck

It’s official — the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has announced this year’s International Roadcheck will focus on tire safety! Taking ... Read More

5 Trucker Trends to Watch

We’re rolling into spring, leaving winter behind, and it feels good. Right now, there’s nothing on your mind—you’re just enjoying ... Read More

What is the New Trucker Coercion Rule?

You’ve been driving for hours, the sun long vanished behind the horizon, and you know you’re almost out of hours. ... Read More