When driving a truck, there are several things every driver should know to stay safe on the road. ExpressTruckTax is here to give you some helpful tips to ensure that you stay safe this summer and that others around you stay safe too. Driving a big truck can be a big responsibility so it is always good to remember that it differs significantly from driving a standard car in many ways.
A semi-truck has a greater braking distance than a standard car, so it is important to keep a large distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. This prevents the vehicle from being rear-ended if you don’t have a big enough distance to stop when driving behind someone. If you make sure to keep your distance then you will not only keep yourself safe but also keep others safe too. This is also true for stopping at stop signs or intersections.
It is also important to check mirrors and your blind spots when driving. A semi-truck has especially large blind spots on the right side and back. Because of this, it is important to stay in the right lane when possible to prevent people from passing on your right side. If you do not see them then that can put both you and the other driver at risk.
Another important thing to remember is that turning in a semi-truck is a lot different than turning in a regular vehicle. When turning it is important to remember that turning takes a lot of extra space than in an ordinary car. It is important to check your mirrors and surroundings to make sure it is safe to turn. If you do not check thoroughly, then you run the risk of hitting another vehicle and causing serious injury.
Driving at a safe speed is another important thing to remember when driving a truck. This ensures that if you need to stop you can do so safely without slamming the brakes to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of you. It is important to also maintain a safe speed when turning or driving on curved roads to keep your vehicle from tipping over.
Always remember to wear a seatbelt when driving a vehicle. This is especially important for preventing any serious injuries if an accident were to occur because many traffic-related deaths occur due to the lack of a seatbelt.
Staying focused on the road and not being distracted by things like your phone is also important while driving. Talking or texting while driving without using hands-free features is illegal in many states. This is because it promotes distracted driving and could very well lead to there being an accident.
When driving a truck it is important to keep your stamped Schedule 1 on hand in case you get pulled over. If you do not have your Schedule 1 in your truck then there is a good chance that you will receive a ticket or be penalized. In order to keep this from happening you must E-file Form 2290. The best way to do this is with ExpressTruckTax. With ExpressTruckTax, you can file your Form 2290 with ease and receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today!