Downtime Entertainment: Fun and Games on the Road

Fun and Games on the Road
Fun and Games on the Road

When you’re out on the road, you have enough troubles to contend with.

Over the years, we’ve encouraged proper health through diet and exercise, but sometimes you need to give your mind a workout.

So we asked Susan, one of our truck tax experts and our resident Queen of Sage Advice, about how truckers can work their mental fortitude while on the road.

Here’s what she had to say:

You may spend most of your driving time in your own head. When you park at the end of your shift, all you want to do is decompress with some guilty pleasures, like binge watching TV shows or movies. But it’s much healthier to get out and about doing something physical (walking), social (talking with someone while you walk), or learning something new (juggling maybe?).

After some physical exercise, consider working that grey matter in your head with some games and puzzles.

Studies have shown working your body will increase oxygen flow throughout your system. They also show engaging in mental play can also be good for your overall health and well-being.

Putting the Pieces Together

With its birth around 1760, the jigsaw puzzle is a good way to work those brain muscles. Either done solitary or with a friend or two, puzzles have come quite a long way from its rudimentary beginning of paper on wood.

From small (100 pieces or less) to colossal (record breaking 24,000 pieces) there is a picture and number of pieces that will work for you. Puzzles can be kept with a puzzle keeper, found in many big box stores, or use a roll of felt to keep the pieces from moving around. You can even work puzzles online, use “free jigsaw puzzles” in your search.

Consider the Game at Hand

There are all kinds of card games available using standard decks or special decks, like Pinochle, UNO and many others. If you want to really flex your brain, consider learning Bridge, one of the greatest thinking card games around.

Cards can be played in groups or online. If you prefer, there is the ever popular Solitaire, but there are also variations of Solitaire, other than the well known Klondike.

There are books and online sources with instructions, or just look for virtual games where you can play a hand or two with players from around the world.

If You’re Bored, Try Board Games

If you don’t have a physical board game available, take a look at what is available online. Scrabble has a broad online player universe, giving you the opportunity, just like with cards, to meet other game players from around the world.

There are always the classic games that will engage the brain just as well: dominoes, checkers, Chinese checkers (marbles), Bunco (dice), chess, and backgammon. Plus, there are many new incarnations of these games available.

Playing games, interacting with others in person (or online) can be just what ‘the doctor ordered’ to help you remain sharp and focused while on the road. The great thing about these mental gymnastics? You can play anytime and anywhere you park your rig.

When it comes to filing that 2290 HVUT, using an 8849 Schedule 6 for a refund, or filing that VIN correction, the team at wants you to know that we don’t play around.

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