E-File 2290 for FREE – Wednesday Nov. 24th. Happy Thanksgiving!

We at Express2290.com would like to sincerely thank our customers, our community, and the industry we serve for all of your support this year. 2010 has been a wonderful year and we could not have done it without you.

In an effort to show our gratitude, we will be offering FREE E-FILING of your HVUT tax forms on Wednesday, November 24th. No catch. No qualifications. No fine print – just genuine, honest-to-goodness e-filing of IRS 2290 forms for free.

We know the holidays can be tough, especially when the economy is bad. We hope this gesture of our appreciation will help get you home, keep food on the table, or put one extra gift under the tree this year. From our family to yours – stay safe this holiday season and God bless!

Happy Holidays,

James Harris
Director, Tax Products