Finding Healthier Trucking Options On The Road

ExpressTruckTax promotes trucker health

It’s one of the best times of the year. The leaves are changing colors, pumpkin spice flavored everything is out, and the heat is finally starting to break. However, it’s also the time of year when we get excited about holiday food and can pack on a little extra weight for winter.

Trucker health isn’t something that should go ignored. As temperatures drop and you find yourself wanting warm, carb loaded comfort foods, stay strong! Don’t let yourself binge eat and outgrow your rig. Check out our list of healthier food options to help you stay fit this holiday season!

Healthier Food Options On The Road

When you go into your favorite truck stops, like the hook you may find yourself instantly facing sugar loaded breakfast options like donuts and cinnamon buns. Just briskly walk past them and go for the healthier options. For example, you will see fruit like apples, oranges, and bananas which provide tons of morning energy. You can add some protein with a healthy breakfast omelet, breakfast meat, or boiled eggs.

If you don’t have time to sit down and need something on the go you have healthier options than greasy breakfast biscuits. For example, you can get an egg and cheese sandwich from Subway, or an egg McMuffin from McDonald’s. You could even head to Starbucks for a healthy spinach and feta wrap.

One really important thing to remember in the morning is to not load up on extra calorie filled coffees with tons of creamers and sugar syrups. Save the pumpkin spice lattes for special occasions. You will really do yourself a favor by drinking coffee plain. If you can’t stomach black coffee, then try a flavorful variety of green tea. Flavors like peach, blueberry, mint, and more are sweet without any sugar.

While we’re on the subject of drinks, kick your soda habit to the curb. Your body doesn’t need all those chemicals slowing it down and you could do without the sugar crash. Stick to water, coffee, and sugar-free teas.

When it comes to finding healthy meals, truck stop menus have all added delicious low carb options like fish and chicken. You will find something you like and it will be filling. Plus, most fast food restaurants also have a number of healthier options to their menu to choose from.

ExpressTruckTax promotes healthy trucker recipes

For example, the Grilled Chicken Cool wrap from Chick Fil A is only 340 calories, and it’s delicious. The Wendy’s Asian Cashew Chicken Salad offers an explosion of flavor for only 380 calories. Just avoid the salad dressing. Also, the McDonald’s Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich is warm and life-changing for only 360 calories.

In between meals, you should choose healthy snacks and that’s actually pretty easy to do on the road. You can take some almonds, pecans, or walnuts in your rig or you can buy Lara Bars with all natural ingredients and no added sugar. Also, you can keep a few Oikos Triple 0 yogurts in your mini-fridge.

If you don’t like the healthy options fast food restaurants have to offer, consider meal prepping. Cook your own healthy options like taco salads or spicy chicken with sweet potatoes in advance to take with you on the road.

You can even take a crockpot with you to cook healthier options in your rig. For example, crockpot meatloaf is outstanding. You can also make healthy chilis or pork loin with apples. Many truckers have already put effort into crafting irresistible, healthy crockpot options for you. All they take is a little planning. 

Happy Fall

We are happy that football is back, Halloween decorations are out, and Thanksgiving plans are in the works. However, hopefully, all this bliss won’t make our waistlines increase. Maintain your trucker health this season by thinking about your options and choosing healthier meals. Heck, you can even cook a few yourself.

If you have any healthy options to add please share them in the comment section below and visit for more trucking blogs.