Get The Office Scoop From The Real Experts of Form 2290

The Real Experts of Form 2290 have no problem giving you the inside scoop of what takes place in the office. They also have no problem telling you about their REAL lives. Meet the team that is making sure you and thousands of others are getting top of the line support.

Scroll down to see what the Real EXperts are up to this season!


Amber loves Disney. Some may even say she is a fanatic, but around the office we call it passion. That same passion Amber has when it comes to all things Disney is what she expresses when assisting our loyal customers, year after year. This is what makes Amber one of our EXpert vets.


When Andrew isn’t weirdly spending time convincing new team members he can lick his own elbow,  he is convincing truckers to “just e-file it”. What makes Andrew an EXpert is his commitment to making e-filing your 2290 a lot easier than this unique, but yet oddly-impressive, party trick of his. 😝


At night, Ariel is a wizard costume designer, but her powers don’t stop there. She is our in-house oracle that foresees your future Google search and is the reason you are seeing our social media ads after telling your spouse you need to file your 2290…

Shhh.. She’s listening.


The 2290 renewal period is a beast, and “Trucker B.”, as he is notoriously known as, expects this year to be the best one yet! As a Form 2290 vet, “Trucker B.” is ready to conquer the beast without breaking a sweat. 😅
That is what we call, skill!


Even though Elena is a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do and can break a wooden board on a fly, her true talent is remembering specifics about our clients. She is excited to chat with our longtime clients, who she refers to as a family.


Hannah’s colorful vocabulary isn’t the only way she chooses to EXpress herself. Her eclectic taste in music will have her reciting Biggie lyrics one moment and serenading to the likes of Fleetwood Mac the next. She is just as excited to experience the hype of the 2290 season as she was when she heard Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” for the first time.


Since the age of 8, Leah has been dominating thousands of dirt tracks all by herself! 💪

This year Leah is throwing on a jersey, (well an ExpressTruckTax shirt), and joining a team of EXperts to tackle thousands of Form 2290’s!


When Meredith isn’t enthusiastically keeping truckers up to date on how to save time and money, she is keeping her coffee cup full to the rim. What makes Meredith an EXpert is her commitment to helping truckers with tons on their plate.


Missael is a Carolinian, by way of Mexico, and with true southern spirit is determined to show some of the vets why he deserves a spot amongst the elites. This may be his first season, but he is geared up for what lies ahead.


Like any world traveler, Ryan knows it all and has seen it all, this goes for Form 2290 as well. Ryan is thrilled to partner with a team of like-minded individuals to handle what is thrown ExpressTruckTax’s way. The busiest and craziest time of the year is no big deal to our office globetrotter.


Taylor is a self-taught DIY carpenter from the University of Pinterest. When she isn’t building her next masterpiece, she is building you the most convenient online experience. From floral backdrops to Form 2290 blog post, her hands can create them both.