Love on the Long Haul

There’s a special bond between a driver and their rig – one which takes constant maintenance and consideration. It’s almost like a long term relationship for some OTR drivers out there! But don’t worry, Trucking Nation, we’re not here to judge.

But let’s examine the other relationship in your life. Whether it’s a spouse or a long time partner, having someone back home can make the road warrior life a lot easier. But it can also complicate things. Constant absence can be hard on a relationship and a family. What’s a trucker to do?

How can you make your relationship work?

Communication is the Key

In order to have a successful relationship, it takes constant work. But it doesn’t have to be exhausting. With the level of technology we have today, communicating with your significant other is pretty easy. You still need to follow the rules of the road, but being able to call and text your spouse lets them know they’re on your mind. And similar to watching your favorite movies on the road, a good WiFi setup can help you feel close by letting you video chat with someone back home.

Set Goals for the Future

Why do you haul? If you’ve stuck around with it for a while, you know you can make a solid living from it. But what are you building towards? A great way to keep your relationship moving is to set goals with your better half for the future. That can be anything from saving up for the house you’ve always wanted, to starting a college fund for your young ones, or even for a once in a lifetime dream vacation. Goals will also make you feel accomplished and appreciate each other.

Hit the Road Together

Now, we know this option isn’t for every couple out there – but team driving does work for some. You’ll hear some drivers praise spouse team driving, and some hate it more than they hate dispatchers. So what are some of the benefits? Well, first off, you drive together and make more money as a team. Also, you won’t be as lonely with your partner with you. And finally, sharing a cab with a romantic partner instead of a business partner erases some issues normal team drivers face.

But you can also find yourself with less time, if one of you sleeps while the other drives. And you have to make sure both of you love driving and spending time together, or else you could end up resenting each other. This option isn’t for every couple, and we understand that, but it is still something to consider!

Take Care of Yourself

When you’re happy and healthy, you’ll find this reflected in your relationships. I mean, there’s nothing better than being on home time and spending quality time with your loved one. So

stay healthy by creating a fitness routine, eating healthy, managing your stress, and taking care of your body!

Fallen in Love with a New Truck?

Okay, so maybe you’re happy being single and just watching out for yourself. That’s fine! And hey, if you just got a new truck and THAT’S the love of your life, you need to take care of your heavy vehicle use tax, then! But you already paid your HVUT? Remember this, when you buy a rig from another owner who already paid their HVUT fees, you’re covered until after the month of sale. From the first day of the following month, it’s up to you, the new owner, to pay the HVUT 2290 from the first day of that month to the end of the tax year.

Basically, the seller gets credited for the taxes they paid before they sold you the vehicle, and then you owe the difference. And if you have questions about filing that 2290, call us at 704.234.6005, email us, or hit us up with a live chat from our website!