Prepare For Operation Safe Driver Week

Learn about CVSA with ExpressTruckTax

It’s no secret that we care about trucker safety. The hard-working men and women who deliver goods all across the nation deserve to make it home to their families safely. They are incredibly brave to take on the trucking lifestyle, especially when trucking is considered to be the most hazardous profession in America.

Habits like speeding, driving distracted, driving tired, not complying with the laws, and more endanger our roads. That’s why the CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) has put together a series of safety weeks to educate transportation professionals on safety and to enforce compliance. Their next safety check is Operation Safe Driver Week, and it will take place October 15-21st, 2017.

CSVA’s Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week is coming up in just a few days, so be prepared to pass inspection. During this week law enforcement personnel from all across the country will engage in increased traffic safety enforcement and education to fight unsafe driving practices exhibited by commercial vehicle drivers and their passengers.

In 2015, 3,852 people died in large truck accidents. 69% of these people were drivers and passengers in other vehicles, while 16% were drivers and passengers of commercial vehicles. CVSA hopes to reduce these numbers.

That’s why this safety check was created to decrease the number of accidents, injuries, and deaths involving large passenger and transportation vehicles, including trucks and buses due to unsafe driving habits and behaviors. The leading cause of accidents involving commercial vehicles is due to unsafe drivers.

A few things that officers will have their eye out for during this safety check include speeding, texting while driving, seatbelt usage, tailgating, improper lane changing, failure to obey traffic safety tools, and more.

If you or your passengers are identified as exhibiting any of these unsafe behaviors then you may be issued warnings or citations. It would be much easier to avoid this headache altogether by simply practicing safe driving habits at all times.

ExpressTruckTax recommends safe driving habits
Don’t text and drive!

Don’t think that you can do whatever you want on the road to get away with it. The bears, city kitties, foxes in the hen houses, and more will all be looking for you. Especially because FMCSA has joined forces with CVSA to sponsor Operation Safe Driver Week.

They also have tons of support from safety transportation organizations with the common goal of improving road safety by addressing drivers operating unsafely and their passengers on an individual basis.

There are a number of things you can do to start improving driver safety today. For example, slow down. Speeding is dangerous, and going slower will help you more gas efficient. You can also make sure you’re well rested and avoid driving tired, which is equal to driving drunk.

Also, you can put all of your electronic devices down to avoid driving distracted and make sure your seatbelt is always on. They really do their part when it comes to saving lives. Another thing you can do is give other vehicles enough space so you will have time to stop if they suddenly hit the brakes.

Keep Up Your Safe Driving

We know you can handle Operation Safe Driver Week! Just keep doing your part to make the roads a safe place and you won’t get a citation. The best way to promote safety is to spread awareness, so be sure to pass these tips along to fellow drivers. If you have anything about safety to add please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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