There’s just 10 days left until the filing deadline for HVUT Form 2290! And the ExpressTruckTax team is eagerly counting down with the rest of you, Trucking Nation!

Let’s countdown together with the Top 10 Reasons to E-file with ExpressTruckTax. Believe me, it wasn’t easy narrowing it down to just 10. The benefits are nearly endless!
If you’ve been filing using boring old paper, or E-filing with anyone else, here are just a few of the reasons why we rock way harder than all the rest!
10. E-filing with ExpressTruckTax takes 10 minutes or less! We’ve streamlined the E-filing process. No one wants to spend hours preparing a tax return! In our site, you’ll never see any scary IRS forms or confusing tax jargon. We designed it for the everyday tax-filer who has better things to do, like kick back by the pool! (Or behind the wheel!)
9. Pricing starts at just $9.90 for a single truck! We pride ourselves on offering the best value in the industry. That’s why we made our premier services affordable. We also offer free VIN corrections, and if your return is rejected for any reason, you can retransmit it to the IRS for free!
8. Copy a Return from a previous year! Our returning users know that the more you E-file with us, the better it gets. If you’ve E-filed with us in the past, you can quickly upload a previous year’s return to this years, saving you unnecessary data entry. Plus you can still make small adjustments to the return. Easy-peasy!
7. Bulk Upload trucks into Truck Zone! Even if you’re brand new to ExpressTruckTax, we’ve still added features to save you bucket-loads of time! Why spend hours or days typing in fleet info, VIN numbers, and more? With Bulk Upload, import hundreds or thousands of trucks at once from a CSV or Excel file right into Truck Zone, a centralized hub for your fleet- no matter the size! Store all of your vehicle info in one place where it’s always easy to keep up-to-date. When E-filing time comes around, use our Advanced Search option to instantly find the selected vehicles you’d like to add to the return. Click & done. Now you’re ready and rarin’ to E-file!
6. E-file Anywhere with our Apps! We’re all about convenience. With so many of you out on the road for days or weeks on end, we had to create an easy way for you to E-file too! Presenting our iPad & Android tablet apps. You’ll follow the same three simple steps to E-filing success from the convenience of your tablet. So next time you get a flat, E-file in the time it takes the mechanic to show up! (Actually, it’ll probably take 1/4 of that time!)
5. We’re IRS certified and secure! Not only are we an IRS-approved E-file provider, but we are the number-one trusted industry leader. Just ask our partners at Swift, Con-way, Mercer, or any of the members of OOIDA or Women in Trucking. When you E-file us, you’re part of the magic experienced by our dozens of partners.
4. Alerts! Gone are the days of anxiously logging in, over and over again, waiting for that greenlight from the IRS. After you E-file with us, choose from four different alerts via email, postal mail, fax or text! We send the updates straight to you, wherever you are! You’ll know the status of your return and payment immediately. Plus, we’ll also fax your stamped Schedule 1 to your carrier at your request.
3. Select from three convenient Payment Methods! Paying taxes may not be fun, but we do make it easy! We offer three ways to pay by Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS, or by Check or Money Order. And if you choose the latter option, we’ll automatically generate your payment voucher to send with your check to the IRS. We couldn’t have made it simpler!
2. Never wait again! Our users have a 98% approval rate with the IRS, AND they get their Stamped Schedule 1 back in minutes! No more waiting for the mail to come. No more waiting in line at the IRS office. Get what you want, when you want it!
1. The Support Heroes. We saved the best for last. No matter where you’re truckin’, you’ve always got a full team of dedicated Support Heroes at your fingertips. We’re based in sunny Rock Hill, SC, but we assist people in English, Spanish, and Russian– because we’re just that talented. Offering truck tax support is all we do, year-round, day & night. Seriously! You can get 24/7 email support at We also do live online chat, or speak to us at 704.234.6005. All it takes is one quick phone call, and we’ll have you E-filed and back on the road!
So what are you waiting for, Trucking Nation! We’re down to the wire, so don’t put it off another second. Besides, it’ll be over in a flash. And you’ll love us so much, you’ll be offering to E-file your friends’ taxes for them!