#TruckTechTuesday: RigMinders

Happy Holidays, Trucking Nation! We here at ExpressTruckTax love to share with you new innovative ideas on #TruckTechTuesday, and today is no exception. RigMinders, a sister app of ExpressTruckTax, is a free app that you can easily download to your Apple or Android electronic device. RigMinders gives you the ability to remind yourself about all things trucking in one convenient location.

RigMinders Keeps Your Life in Sync

RigMinders is THE deadline reminder app for transportation professionals. With this app, you won’t need to write down, set an alarm, or tie a string around your finger to remember important trucking deadlines. RigMinders does it all for you!

You can either set up pre-programmed deadline reminders, or customize your own reminders.

Free Trucking Reminders, Anytime
Pre-programmed reminders include HVUT, IFTA, as well as UCR and IRP permit renewals, and others, including state use taxes. You can customize reminders according to time (same day, day before, week before) or by type (push notifications, email, or both).

The app can notify you of truck deadlines coming up in the next 90 days, and it can also notify you about those deadlines coming up after 90 days as well.

Not only that, you can set up personal reminders such as bills, maintenance appointments, expiration dates, and other reminders you might want to create. It’s like having your own secretary right on your electronic device!

RigMinders is a great time saver, and lifesaver! It’s as easy as a swipe of your finger!

Rigminders Support
The support team at RigMinders are available at 704.234.6946 over the phone, and by email at support@rigminders.com.

Contact Us
And our expert support team at ExpressTruckTax is ready to answer any questions or concerns you might have about ExpressTruckTax at 704.234.6005 and support@expresstrucktax.com.

Join the conversation on our Facebook page, or tweet at us on Twitter. We always want to read your stories and ideas, whether it be about RigMinders, ExpressTruckTax, or any other trucking related topic that might be on your mind. This give and take between you and us allows us to have the necessary feedback and insight into what you want and need from us to provide you with absolutely the best service available anywhere. Thanks, Trucking Nation!