#WellnessWednesday: Yoga for Truck Drivers

We know, we know—yoga? While you may feel uncertain about it now, I’m going to list a few ways that yoga can benefit your posture, muscle groups, even your well-being. And since September is National Yoga Month, what better time is there to discuss this very popular exercise regime?

You can spend hours upon hours sitting down, and there are few things less painful than a stiff neck or sore back. What yoga does is help stretch those stiff muscles, loosen joints, increase endurance and strength, and improve physical stamina. We say it’s time to fix those areas that have been under constant pressure for so long!

To be on the safe side, let’s stay away from yoga poses that involve lying down. We don’t quite know how clean those truck stop parking lots are. Instead, poses that involve standing up will work wonders, as they are easy to do at rest areas, truck stops, or someplace off the road with a serene backdrop.

Chair Pose

  • Stand with your feet together, then raise your arms above your head, perpendicular to the floor. 
  • Bend your knees, extending slightly over your feet while your torso forms a right angle over your thighs.
  • Draw your tailbone down to the floor, keeping your lower back long. 
  • As you continue bringing your hips lower, there will be a slight bend in your upper back.
  • Lastly, look directly forward and hold the pose for up to one minute, inhaling and exhaling as you go.

    Upward Salute Pose

    • Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides, then press your weight evenly across the balls and arches of your feet.
    • Turn your arms so your palms face forward and fingers point toward the ground.
    • Sweep your arms out to the sides and up toward the sky. 
    • Press your hands firmly together by touching the bases of your palms, and then your fingers. 
    • Extend your elbows, reach up, and turn your thumbs slightly down toward the crown of your head. 
    • Tip your head back slightly and gaze at your thumbs.

    Big Toe Pose

    • Stand upright with your feet parallel, about six inches apart. 
    • Keep your legs completely straight and bend forward from your hip joints, moving your torso and head at once. 
    • Since you will probably have shoes on during this pose, skip intertwining your fingers with your toes, and instead use a band or strap to hook under your feet, and hold the position. 
    • Lift your torso and straighten your elbows. 
    • Exhale when you release your torso, bend toward your feet again, and repeat for as long as you’re comfortable.

    Although these poses seem simple, I’m confident that they will not only release your muscle tension and strengthen your body from the inside-out, but also make you look and feel good.

    Do you have some tips on practicing yoga on the road? Or maybe you would like to share some highlights from your own wellness journey. Either way, drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter!

    You can also call us at 704.234.6005 or email us at support@expresstrucktax.com if you have any questions. We love hearing from you, Trucking Nation!