Drivers, we want your thoughts! Currently, rest stops really aren’t that great, with dim lighting and limited vending machines that seem to have outdated options. Sometimes the parking at rest stops isn’t that great either, and if you stop to pee you take up a lot of regular parking spots! Well, what if rest stops were expanded?
The Possible Expansion Of Rest Stops
On behalf of the Federal Highway Administration what if rest stops were expanded a little more commercially? As in if their vending machine options we’re expanded and states were allowed to sell produce? Along with these changes would come more parking for semi trucks.
What? More parking?! With today’s parking crisis that could be a miracle. Plus, when truckers need to take their mandated 30-minute breaks it would be a lot easier for them to simply park at a rest stop then pull off the interstate to hopefully find parking at a truck stop.
When truckers are left without any options they’ll pull over on the side of the interstate and on entrance or exit ramps. This is a dangerous practice that could be avoided if more parking spots were available.
Most people in communities around truck stops are getting fed up with the congestion that big rigs cause. The general public wants truckers to get their food and move out of the way. Expanded rest stops could relieve this congestion.
With expanded vending machine options and local produce being sold truckers would have not only more options but healthier options. However, this makes truck stop owners nervous, because they don’t want their businesses to be undercut. Although, who would give up a nice hot meal for a snack or fresh fruit?
Plus, we’re sure some truckers want to get away from the road at night and would prefer to pull off the interstate to find a truck stop to park overnight at. Being too close to the interstate can be noisy and disruptive in the night.
These forms of revenue could help states maintain their rest stop facilities. Better places to stop provide tourists with a good idea of the state. Maybe if they find a clean restroom with delightful local produce they’ll drive through the state with their money on more regular basis.
However, some of the money would need to go to video monitoring and security systems. Also, local police officers would need to regularly check in on rest stops, because it’s no secret that where truckers go lot lizards, hitchhikers and crime follows.
Now we know that the trucking nation is filled with honorable, outstanding people, but unfortunately, we can’t speak for all of the lot lizards, the homeless, and hitchhikers. The state wouldn’t want its reputation brought down after tourists see a few shady characters.
We also wonder why rest stops should stop at a few expansions. What if they were privately owned? Sure, they would compete with truck stops at a greater level, but the cost of maintenance and upkeep would be up to the owner, totally taking the bill off the state’s plate.
With privately owned rest stops there’s no telling what types of food and merchandise would be offered to truckers and the public, offering a lot more revenue for the state and convenience for drivers.
Are You For Or Against Expanding Rest Stops?
We want to know what you think about the possibility of expanding rest stops or privatizing them, so please share your thoughts in the comment section below. Also, keep checking back with ExpressTruckTax.com for more trucking news.