Tired of the IFTA Headache? Try These Filing Tips

Welcome to another great International Fuel Tax Agreement Deadline!

Now we know you aren’t too fond of deadlines, Trucking Nation. But we’re here to tell you, things don’t have to so bad.

First of all, we have your back! You don’t have to go into this report alone.

Secondly, we’ve put together some tips to help you on this fuel tax filing free-for-all.

Tip #1: Don’t File IFTA (Yourself)

Okay, this might sound out of this world, but have you ever thought about not filing IFTA yourself? Yeah, you can get somebody else to do it!

Like the dedicated experts at Truck Services of North America! Time is of the essence, though. The requests for TSNAmerica’s IFTA filing are filling up fast, so give them a call at 803.386.0320.

But don’t wait until Monday, because their hands will be full!

Tip #2: Trucking Professional Software

Here’s another tip—keep track of your fuel receipts and mileage with software designed by truckers for truckers. That’s right, TruckLogics!

With TruckLogics, you get cloud-based record keeping, mileage calculated by ProMiles, and integrated trip sheet generation.

Sure, maybe you won’t have time to use the full features of TruckLogics for this quarter, but it’s not too early for the next deadline. Now is the time to sign up so that your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarters are easy.

Tip #3: Use the Features

Okay, okay, you’re here because you want to use ExpressIFTA. We get it!

If you, your spouse, your child, or your own accountant is generating your IFTA report, ExpressIFTA is your best choice.

Just create an account, add your truck information, and then fill out the interview-style forms with your mileage and fuel information.

And if you have multiple trucks, the TruckZone makes managing a fleet’s tax records easy.

We also have a GPS upload feature!

Tip #4: Start NOW!

Look, the deadline is Monday, May 2nd. If you’re generating your own IFTA report, you need to start now.

If you already have an ExpressTruckTax account, you know you don’t have to pay until you’re done. You might not know you can use the same login and password for ExpressIFTA. It’s that easy!

Then go ahead and generate your IFTA report. You don’t have to pay until you’re done, and by this point… time is of the essence.

If you run into any issues generating your IFTA report, feel free to reach out to our support team by phone at 704.234.6005 or by email at Support@ExpressIFTA.com.

Reach out to us if you have any questions. Happy filing, Trucking Nation!