#WellnessWednesday: Smoothies on the Road

At ExpressTruckTax, we’ve been celebrating summer with our Summer Series of Giveaways. Every few weeks, we raffle off a prize to one lucky e-filer, and from now until the end of July, you can win a travel blender! Perfect for making delicious and nutritious smoothies right in the cab of your truck.

All you need to do is e-file with us and “Like” us on Facebook, and you’re entered to win an awesome Hamilton Beach Single Serve Travel Blender!

In honor of our current giveaway, this week’s #WellnessWednesday will feature some great smoothie recipes for truckers!

Carrying around food items that need to be refrigerated in a truck can be a bit of a headache. But almost anything can be made into a smoothie, including, non-perishable food items and non-temperature sensitive fruit.

So grab yourself a bag of ice and a cooler, and enjoy being healthy on-the-go!

These recipes are simple. In fact, most of them only require a few ingredients, a handful of ice, and a single-serve travel blender.

Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

3 tbsp of Peanut Butter
A single medium-sized banana, sliced
A handful of Ice
1 cup of Milk, ½ a cup of Kefir, or ½ cup of Yogurt
Honey to add sweetness

For a thicker smoothie, choose the kefir or yogurt option. If you prefer smoothies with a thinner consistency, go with milk. The peanut butter acts as a thickener for this particular smoothie anyway.

The best milk to use in situations where you’re travelling are single-serving boxed milk cartons. You can find them in the juice or cereal aisle of most supermarkets. They don’t need to be refrigerated until after you open them, so you can make a smoothie and get a full serving of calcium all in one fell swoop.

Making the actual smoothie is easy. All you have to do is make sure you add the banana first (you don’t actually have to slice it, you can break it up with your hands), then add the peanut butter, before pouring in the milk and put a handful of ice on top. You can add any amount of honey you’re comfortable with. It all depends on your taste for sweetness. Then just blend it and enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Extravaganza

Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

  • A pinch Cocoa powder or a handful chocolate chips
  • 2 tbsp of Peanut Butter
  • A medium-sized banana, sliced
  • A handful of ice
  • 1 cup Milk, ½ cup of Kefir, or ½ of Yogurt
  • Honey to add sweetness

Like the last smoothie, this one also contains peanut butter so it will already be thick. You don’t have to use yogurt or kefir unless you want to.

To make the smoothie, if you use chocolate chips, place those at the bottom of the blender, but if you use cocoa powder, you will once again place the banana at the bottom. Then add the powder on top, the peanut butter, the milk, and a handful of ice. Blend and enjoy!

Banana and Green Smoothie

Banana and Green Smoothie

A handful of baby kale
A medium-sized banana
A handful of ice
1 cup of Milk, ½ cup of Kefir, or ½ cup of Yogurt
Honey to add sweetness

This smoothie could use a little yogurt to beef it up and make it a little smoother. But if you don’t have yogurt on hand, kefir, and milk work just as well.

Simply add the banana, a handful of baby kale, and some yogurt, milk, or kefir. Then you add a handful of ice and some honey for sweetness. This one could use a little extra sweetness, but it’s so, so healthy for you.

Protein & Banana Smoothie

Protein Smoothies

  • 1 pkt or 2 scoops of any protein powder
  • A medium-sized banana
  • A handful of ice
  • 1 cup of milk, ½ cup of Kefir, or ½ cup of Yogurt
  • Honey to add sweetness

Any protein powder will do, but the strawberry, chocolate, and peanut butter flavored ones usually taste best with bananas.

To make the smoothie just add the banana at the bottom, your protein powder of choice on top of it, and a handful of ice. For this one you don’t really need honey since you’ll be using a powder, but if you want a little extra sweetness, then do it. Those powders can taste a little better with a spoonful of honey. Now just blend, and enjoy!

The best thing about smoothies is that they’re filling, they help you save some money, and you can eat healthy on the road! All you have to do is push a button.

Got some tips for how to stay healthy on the road? Or maybe you just want to share some highlights from your own wellness journey. Drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter! We love hearing from you, Trucking Nation!